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Custom Operating System Images

Users can create custom operating system (OS) images from previously created snapshots.

In addition to the default images provided in Hyperstack, users can create custom operating system (OS) images from previously created snapshots. Like the default images, these custom images are pre-configured representations of the OS used to create and deploy the corresponding snapshot.

Custom images created by users are displayed in the image selection section during virtual machine (VM) deployment, allowing users to choose between a custom OS image or a default one.

See list of available default images here.

In this article

How to create a custom image

To create a custom image, users must have at least one snapshot. A custom image can be created from any snapshot in a "success" state by navigating to the Snapshots page and selecting the appropriate action from the dropdown menu.

When creating an image from a snapshot, users only need to provide a unique name for the new image.

Create custom image from Snapshot on Hyperstack

How to use a custom image

All custom images successfully created by the user will appear in the "Deploy VM" page during virtual machine (VM) deployment. In the image selection section, a new tab called "Custom Images" displays these records. This includes any custom image created from any snapshot.

Deploy VM with custom image on Hyperstack

Images API

The Infrahub API can be used to create, manage and delete Custom Images using the following APIs:

Endpoint Name URL Description
Create Image POST /core/snapshots/{id}/image Create an image from a snapshot.
List Images GET /core/images List all images.
Retrieve Image GET /core/images/{id} Retrieve a specific image.
Delete Image DELETE /core/images/{id} Deletes a specified image.


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