How can I configure my virtual machine to permit unrestricted incoming and outgoing traffic?

To enable all incoming and outgoing traffic for your virtual machine, configure security rules to permit inbound and outbound traffic on all ports and IP addresses.

To enable all incoming and outgoing traffic for your virtual machine, configure security rules to permit inbound and outbound traffic on all ports and IP addresses.

Security rules for your virtual machines can be created using two different methods: the Hyperstack platform and Infrahub API.


How to create security rules to permit unrestricted incoming and outgoing traffic.

These instructions guide you through the process of creating security rules that allow all incoming traffic from any port and any IP address to your virtual machine using the Hyperstack platform:

  1. Within Hyperstack, click "Edit Rules" in the "Security Rules" section of your virtual machine, to manage its security rules.

    Edit Security Rule

  2. Click "Add New Inbound Rule" to create a security rule for incoming traffic.

    Add Inbound Rule

  3. Complete the fields as specified below to enable all incoming traffic on all ports from any IP address.

    Inbound Security Rule Image

    Field Name Field Input
    ETHER TYPE Leave as default (usually IPv4)
    PROTOCOL Select "icmp" (Internet Control Message Protocol)
    PORT RANGE This field is left empty, permitting traffic from all ports.
    REMOTE IP PREFIX Use "" to allow traffic from any source IP address.
  4. Click "Add", to create a security rule enabling all incoming traffic.

  5. Now that you've created a security rule allowing all incoming traffic, follow the same steps to establish a rule for outgoing traffic. Click "Add New Outbound Rule" to configure a security rule for outgoing traffic.

    Add Outbound Rule

  6. Complete the fields as specified below to enable all outgoing traffic on all ports to any IP address.

    Outbound Security Rule Image

    Field Name Field Input
    ETHER TYPE Leave as default (usually IPv4)
    PROTOCOL Select "icmp" (Internet Control Message Protocol)
    PORT RANGE This field is left empty, permitting traffic to all ports.
    REMOTE IP PREFIX Use "" to allow traffic to any IP address.
  7. Your inbound and outbound security rules should appear as follows:

    Security Rules Permit All Success

Congratulations! Your virtual machine is now configured to allow all incoming traffic on all ports from any IP address and all outgoing traffic on all ports to any IP address.

Infrahub API 

These instructions walk you through the process of creating security rules that allow all incoming and outgoing traffic from any port and any IP address to your virtual machine using the Infrahub API.

1. Create an inbound rule via the Infrahub API

Path parameters

Include the integer ID of the virtual machine that this security rule is being attached to in the path of the request as follows: /core/virtual-machines/{VM ID HERE}/sg-rules

Request body parameters

Complete the request body with the following fields and values.

Field Name Field Input
direction "ingress" to designate that the security rule is for incoming traffic.
protocol Select "icmp" (Internet Control Message Protocol).
ethertype "IPv4".
remote_ip_prefix Use "" to allow traffic from any source IP address.
Example request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY" \
-d '{
"direction": "ingress",
"protocol": "icmp",
"ethertype": "IPv4",
"remote_ip_prefix": ""

To authenticate Infrahub API requests, add an authorization header to your API request that contains an API Key as follows:

  -H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"


Returns the status of the security rule creation operation, along with the configuration details that were specified in the request body.

This response indicates the successful addition of a security rule that will permit all incoming traffic (ingress) from all ports, using the ICMP protocol and Ethernet type "IPv4" for the virtual machine with the ID "123".

"status": true,
"message": "Security Rule created successfully",
"security_rule": {
"id": 2296,
"direction": "ingress",
"protocol": "icmp",
"port_range_min": null,
"port_range_max": null,
"ethertype": "IPv4",
"remote_ip_prefix": "",
"status": "pending",
"created_at": "2023-11-24T19:59:01"

2. Create an outbound rule via the Infrahub API

Path parameters

Include the integer ID of the virtual machine that this security rule is being attached to in the path of the request as follows: /core/virtual-machines/{VM ID HERE}/sg-rules

Request body parameters

Complete the request body with the following fields and values.

Field Name Field Input
direction "egress" to designate that the security rule is for outgoing traffic.
protocol Select "icmp" (Internet Control Message Protocol).
ethertype "IPv4".
remote_ip_prefix Use "" to allow traffic to any IP address.
Example request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY" \
-d '{
"direction": "egress",
"protocol": "icmp",
"ethertype": "IPv4",
"remote_ip_prefix": ""


Returns the status of the security rule creation operation, along with the configuration details that were specified in the request body.

This response indicates the successful addition of a security rule that will permit all outgoing traffic (egress) to all ports, using the ICMP protocol and Ethernet type "IPv4" for the virtual machine with the ID "123".

"status": true,
"message": "Security Rule created successfully",
"security_rule": {
"id": 2297,
"direction": "egress",
"protocol": "icmp",
"port_range_min": null,
"port_range_max": null,
"ethertype": "IPv4",
"remote_ip_prefix": "",
"status": "pending",
"created_at": "2023-11-24T20:33:46"
Congratulations! Your virtual machine is now configured to allow all incoming traffic on all ports from any IP address and all outgoing traffic on all ports to any IP address.

Keep in mind that allowing all traffic might pose security risks, so use this configuration carefully and consider the specific requirements of your use case.



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