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What Ubuntu images does Hyperstack offer and how do I choose one?

Hyperstack provides both Ubuntu images pre-installed with NVIDIA drivers and CUDA, as well as vanilla images for installing custom drivers.

Ubuntu images offered by Hyperstack

​To select an Ubuntu image for a new virtual machine, simply choose your desired image from the dropdown menu in the "Choose an image" section of the "Deploy Virtual Machine" page. Explore details about each Ubuntu image provided by Hyperstack below.


When deploying a virtual machine via the API, use the API Image Name provided in the tables below and specify it in the image_name field.

Driver/CUDA pre-installed images

Hyperstack now provides Ubuntu images pre-installed with NexGen-supported NVIDIA drivers and CUDA toolkit, streamlining the deployment process for virtual machines. These images significantly reduce the required build time for a new virtual machine, saving 15-20 minutes compared to our existing images. Additionally, since the drivers and CUDA toolkit are already installed, there's no need for an additional reboot of the VM after deployment.

We offer pre-installed images with NVIDIA driver/CUDA for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS. In both cases, the image includes NVIDIA driver R535 and CUDA toolkit 12.2.

Hyperstack Image Name API Image Name Distribution NVIDIA Driver CUDA Toolkit Shipped With Kernel Version Kernel Version Installed on Image
Server 20.04 LTS R535 CUDA 12.2 Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS R535 CUDA 12.2 Ubuntu 20.04 R535 12.2 5.4 (GA) 5.15 (HWE)
Server 22.04 LTS R535 CUDA 12.2 Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS R535 CUDA 12.2 Ubuntu 22.04 R535 12.2 5.15 (GA) 6.5 (HWE)

These driver/CUDA pre-installed images are now available for use in both the CANADA-1 and NORWAY-1 regions.

Vanilla images (no driver/CUDA installed)

Alongside the driver/CUDA pre-installed images, we offer "vanilla" images for both Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS. These images come without any pre-installed driver/CUDA and are suitable for CPU-only virtual machines or situations where you prefer to install custom NVIDIA drivers and CUDA toolkit for your VM.

Region NORWAY-1

Hyperstack Image Name API Image Name Distribution NVIDIA Driver CUDA Toolkit Shipped With Kernel Version Kernel Version Installed on Image
Server 20.04 LTS Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS Ubuntu 20.04 Not installed Not installed 5.4 (GA) 5.15 (HWE)
Server 22.04 LTS Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS Ubuntu 22.04 Not installed Not installed 5.15 (GA) 6.5 (HWE)

Region CANADA-1

Hyperstack Image Name API Image Name Distribution NVIDIA Driver CUDA Toolkit Shipped With Kernel Version Kernel Version Installed on Image
Server 20.04 LTS Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Ubuntu 20.04 Not installed Not installed 5.4 (GA) 5.15 (HWE)
Server 22.04 LTS Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Ubuntu 22.04 Not installed Not installed 5.15 (GA) 6.5 (HWE)

These vanilla images are available in both the CANADA-1 and NORWAY-1 regions.


For further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at:

Support Email: [email protected]

Sales Contact: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0) 203 475 3402